Fenix Fire Forge

Archive for May, 2014

New knives For Sale!

New knives For Sale!

I’ve added four new knives up for sale! Two Phoenix Series kitchen knives…a slicer and a new design I call the Roll-E-Chopper, sporting a beautiful and extremely rare English Yew wood handle cut from Sherwood Forest, England! I also have a Deimos, one of the most popular Operator Series knives, with a beautiful Bocote wood handle and another brand new design called the Elk Hunter. Check them out HERE!

I’ve also added a few new pictures of some other Phoenix Series knives that have been sold. There is a new Manzanita handle chefs knife and two new Phoenix Paring knives…one with Ebony and the other with Goncalo Alves. Check them out HERE!



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Shop Update: May 2014

My apologies for the long delay between updates…it’s been a wild year! Biggest news is that we just moved my knife shop this past weekend. I’m now sharing a shop with renowned knifemaker Phill Hartsfield! It’s truly a great honor and a great opportunity to be working in the same shop with one of the most prominent knifemakers in the world. Check out Phill’s knives at PhillHartsfield.com!

A huge thanks again to everyone who came and helped with the move!! While all of my equipment is moved, it will still take me another week or two before everything is dialed-in and functional. As I will also be moving my residence in a few weeks, it will, realistically, be the middle of June before everything settles down. We will likely do an open house/shop-warming get together around the latter part of June. Anyone local to the area I invite to come by…I’ll give you more details as it gets closer!

Below are some pictures of us deconstructing the shop before moving it over to Phill’s place. I’ll post pictures from the new shop once everything gets situated and dialed in!


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