Fenix Fire Forge

Crafting Method – Grinding & Rough Sanding

The next video installment of the Crafting Method section is online! My apologies on the delay between the forging and the grinding videos…the rest of the series will be released much more frequently.

This video covers the profiling, scale removal, and rough hand sanding of the blade up to the point that it’s ready for heat treating. You can see the entire crafting process outlined in the Crafting Method section of this website!

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Next Evolution of the Operator Sheath

Next Evolution of the Operator Sheath

The Operator Sheath has been continuously evolving in search for ONE sheath that was versatile enough to effectively carry in almost any position. For me, where I carry a knife is often based on what else I may also be carrying at that time. I always ran into the problem that a sheath designed for one style of carry would never work well if you needed to adjust it. Having multiple sheaths for one knife was considerably annoying. With combining formed Kydex with leather and climbing webbing…I think the current version of this sheath may just have found that perfect functionality!

Check out more on the Operator Series page!


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Newest Operator Series knife…Erebus

Newest Operator Series knife…Erebus

The Erebus is the latest addition to the Operator Series. With a blade of only 3 inches long, it’s the perfect EDC (Every Day Carry) fixed blade! Click the images below to go to the Erebus page!


Coming Soon:

Stay tuned for a the debut of my new Phoenix Series kitchen cutlery!

Phoenix Series Cutlery

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New Ares online!

New Ares online!

I’ve completed a new Ares model and listed it online. It’s available for sale exclusively through Plaza Cutlery. Click the images below to go to the Ares page!


Coming Soon:

Stay tuned for a new release in the Operator Series, the Erebus. I will also have the next Crafting Method video covering ‘Grinding’ online soon!


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Welcome to the new WestCoastBladecraft.com!

Welcome to the new re-design of my website! As the tools and technology of web design progress…I try and make sure my own site is making use of it. This site has a real-time scaling feature that will actually change the visual layout of the site for mobile devices with small screens. I’m testing this out here so if the layout looks messed up to you, please let me know! And also let me know what device you were trying to view it on.

I will be greatly expanding my video section in the near future. Along with finishing up the ‘Crafting Method’ video series, I will be adding a new ‘Featured Knife of the Month’ video series. These videos will pick one knife per month, and take you through the specific construction process for ‘that’ knife. You will be able to watch the journey of one knife from the first hand sketch up until the completed knife is being photographed for my site! This video series will start after all of the ‘Crafting Method’ videos have been released.

As always, thanks for the feedback and support and don’t hesitate to message me with any questions or concerns!

-Chris Stanko


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